Honey – An immensely healthy food

Insight into Honey


Honey , a natural liquid food is high on nutrition value . Far healthier than a teaspoon of sugar. This food has immense health benefits. Many diseases are cured and prevented. Honeybees produce this sweet thick liquid honey. These bees move from flower to flower to suck the nectar using their tube proboscis. After finishing the sucking they fly to their hives, where worker bees are waiting for them. The nectar is now transferred to these worker bees. Here the nectar is converted into simple sugar liquid using enzymes. When conversion is finished , the liquid is stored in honeycombs. The liquid is thickened due to moisture evaporation. To speed up evaporation, bees fan the liquid by their wings. This thickened liquid is called honey. Bees then close the opening of honey comb by wax. Honey is derived from these honey combs. Then packaged in vessels to be made commercially available. Honey is a healthy food. Besides providing us high nutrition it prevents and cures many diseases. It is also used in food recipes.

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Health Benefits of Honey

Honey is sweet in taste and rich in nutrition. It gives the following health benefits:

1) Beneficial to your heart
Bad cholesterol LDL oxidation is prevented by honey consumption. Honey antioxidants are responsible for this. Oxidation leads artery and blood vessel clogging due to formation of plaque. When there is clean arteries and blood vessels in heart the chances of having heart problems is reduced significantly.

2) Boosts your Stamina
Honey works as an energy drink for sports person and body builders. Your stamina increases besides providing rich minerals and carbohydrates – needed to enhance your performance. Sound muscle development is another benefit derived from eating honey.

3)Prevents Cancer
On eating honey the levels of antioxidants in our body increases. This is due to flavonoids present in honey . Antioxidants prevents cell from oxidizing. Leading to the strengthening of body immunity and thus prevents cancer disease.

4) Works as Prebiotic Improves your digestive system as honey works as prebiotic for healthy bacteria present in intestines. We all know growth of healthy bacteria in stomach leads to healthy digestion. And at the same time kills harmful bacteria.

5)Treats Ulcers
Honey in antibacterial in nature. This quality of honey treats mouth as well stomach ulcers.

6) Relief for throat irritation and cures soreness
A teaspoon of honey mixed in warm water acts as cough syrup. It cures throat soreness and irritation. Gives instant relief . Honey’s antimicrobial quality kills harmful bacteria causing this problem. Children’s or anyone having night coughing problem should eat a spoon of buckweat honey before sleeping. You will have a sound sleep with no cough.

7)Strengthens Body’s Immunity
Antioxidants present in honey together with it’s antibacterial quality increases our body’s immunity. Digestion function is carried by our body in an effective way. Makes us healthy and happy

8) Enhances Skin beauty
For skin beauty honey is one of the best of food. Use it as skin toner,exfoliator, conditioner,moisturize for skin, heals skin from acne, wounds, diseases like eczema, athlete’s foot, ringworm etc. A mixture of lemon, honey, vegetable works as skin conditioner. Honey and apple mixture when applied on skin works as toner. Apply honey on your dry lips for making them soft and smooth. Honey mixed with almonds, lemon juice, dry oatmeal, performs the action of skin exfoliator.

9)Heals Wounds
Honey when applied to wounds works as an antiseptic cream. Kills infection and harmful bacteria. You can even apply it in burn problems. A mixture of turmeric power and honey on the wound will cure the wound.

10) Helps in Weight Loss
Having weight problems, then drinking a mixture of warm water, lemon and honey in the morning with empty stomach will help you loose weight.

Nutrition in Honey

Honey Nutrition

Information Source : USDA Nutrient Database

Weight loss using Honey and Cinnamon


The information provided in this article is for educative purpose only. Consult you doctor or professional medical advice before using any information in this article for any health program.

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